
Monday, May 28, 2018

CVC Write It or Build It!

Summer vacation is here (or almost here)!!!!!!! When I was teaching, the end of the year meant purging piles of papers, throwing out markers without caps, and not having to wake up to an alarm anymore! Amid all of the excitement of a stress- free and restful summer, I always spent my days off planning for the new school year. I was always more excited for the start of school as a teacher than I was as a student. I would spend my days creating activities, planning classroom layouts, and organizing my class library, again. I would think about who my new students would be and the differing needs that they would have. I would think about how my summer excitement would turn to anxiety as the start of the school year got closer and I would worry that I had the right learning activities for my new kiddos.

New students, especially in kindergarten, can be difficult. They come to school with a varying degree of abilities and experiences and finding meaningful and adaptable learning activities for them can be a challenge. With this in mind, I created, "CVC: Write It or Build It!" When I created this pack, I wanted to design something that was differentiated, so your planning and prep would be quick and easy, and so that your students' needs would be met. 

There are 4 different ways to use 192 picture strips (96 for writing and 96 for building) that are included. 

1. Write it: Students choose a strip and write the word of the picture on the line.

2. Write it w/ key: Students choose a color key and the coordinating strips. They then match the pictures on the strips to the pictures on the key, and use the key to help them write the word on the line. 

3. Build it: Students choose a strip and use magnetic letters or letter tiles to build the word of the picture in the box. 

4. Build it w/ key: Students choose a color key and the coordinating strips. Students match the pictures on the strips to the pictures on the key and use the key to help them build the word in the box. 

I think the keys are what make this product unique, as it provides support for your low babies who may not be able to sound out words yet. Your higher level students can also use the keys to check their work. 

After printing and laminating all of the pages, there are a few ways to store these activities. I would separate your "Write its" from your "build its". Then I would separate the strips and keys by color. Then you can store them in plastic baggies, plastic containers, or whatever storage solution works for you. I would keep some dry erase markers with the, "Write its" and some magnetic letters with the, "Build its". 

Thanks for taking the time to check this out! If you're interested in my, "CVC: Write It or Build It!" click the link above, or click HERE.

I'm Back!

Hi all!

It has been a while since I last posted on my blog. About a year and a half! 😲 

Shortly after my last blog post, I found out I was pregnant with my first child! 👶 After working exhausting days in a kindergarten class, I had little energy to work on my blog. So I took a break from blogging and also from teaching. I now stay at home with my almost 11 month old and am finally starting to have a little bit of time to recommit to my blog! Even though I'm no longer in the classroom, I have continued to create classroom resources, not just for kindergarten, but for other grades, too! My goal is to share those resources here with you! Stay tuned!